So a while ago I posted about my Jae (Mint) and my Tae (Chocolate). Now some time passed and I want to introduce you to the whole group!
Joon (lemon version 2): He is the tallest in the group. He arrived a few months after chocolate and I only bought the head and a wig this time. He fits perfectly my doll leaves msd body.
Cookie (Cookie): He is rocking this beautiful Hakama and the new black kpop wig from bjdgravity. I also only bought the head because I had a minifee boy msd body left. It fits good but I think I'm gonna change the body soon.
Yoongi (Peach): The newest member of the group. He got some crazy blue hair (great tip: if you want to buy hair for you gravity dolls (besides the great wigs here) search for 5-6 wigs because they fit better!). He is the smallest of the group. I got him a mirodoll msd body that fits perfectly.
Now only a Honey, a Marshmellow and a Strawberry misses. Marshmellow will be the next head I want to buy. For Honey and Strawberry I'm waiting for a closed mouth version.
So the group is slowly growing!❤
Hi, thank you for sharing these beautiful photos.
I'm curious to see the msd heads on other msd bodies.
Can you give more infos about the bodies you chose (skin match, neck size, body proportions)?